Inoue Yasushi Award event - November 8 (Friday)
Free Japanese culture event
The Inoue Yasushi Award is made every year to celebrate and encourage Japanese studies in Australia and New Zealand. The award ceremony is combined with a free cultural event.
In 2019 the awardee is Dr. Lucy Fraser of the University of Queensland, whose
research interests include depictions of animal-human relationships in Japanese fiction, fairy tales and fairy tale retellings in Japanese and English, and ideas of gender in contemporary Japanese literature, manga, film, and television. She is awarded for her work on Dogs, Gods, and Monsters: The Animal-Human Connection in Bakin’s Hakkenden.
We will also feature the playing of an animated movie Fuse: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl (伏 鉄砲娘の捕り物帳).
The Inoue Yasushi Award was established in 2006 (Australia-Japan Year of Exchange) at the University of Sydney by the Inoue Yasushi Memorial Foundation/Inoue Family and Masanori Ohtani of Sydney (a Board member of AJS-NSW).
Attendance is free but registration is required to
Any enquiries should be made direct to the organizers at above email.
日時: 2019年11月8日(金曜日) 6:00pm
場所: Old Geology Lecture Theatre - the University of Sydney
(Central Station/Railway SquareよりBus乗車10分Parramatta通りFootbridge停留所下車徒歩2分)
入場料:無料 (但し事前お申込み登録の必要がございます。)
(司会 シドニー大学 Dr. Mats Karlsson)
受賞者:Dr. Lucy Fraser of Queensland University
受賞対象: Dogs, Gods, and Monsters: The Animal-Human Connection in Bakin’s Hakkenden, Folktales and Legends, and Two Contemporary Retellings
受賞者特別講演: Dr. Lucy Fraserによる馬琴と八犬伝
映画: アニメ映画:里見八犬伝 「伏 鉄砲娘の捕り物帳」ないしそれに代わる映像
担当連絡先:大谷正矩(Masanori Ohtani)