Conference of the National Federation of Australia-Japan Societies
The National Conference of the Federation of Australia-Japan Societies will be held on Friday 19th - Saturday 20th October, 2018 in Sydney, hosted by AJS-NSW.
The Conference theme is: Australia and Japan: Deeper understanding, New dimensions.
The Conference is open to anyone interested in the Australia-Japan relationship and we are preparing an exciting program that will appeal to a wide range of people. We expect delegates from Australia-Japan Societies around Australia and from Japan-Australia Societies (JAS) in Japan to be in attendance.
The conference program is as follows:
Day 1 Australia-Japan business – New dimensions
When: Friday, October 19 2018 10:00am - 5:00pm
Where: Teachers Federation Conference Centre,
37 Reservoir Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Map
Program Day 1 Latest details here
- Latest developments in the Australia-Japan relationship
- Innovation
- Business success stories
- Sport
- Tourism
Welcome reception
Reception now fully subscribed
Day 2 Theme: Communities and Culture – Deeper understanding
When: Saturday October 20 2018 10am - 4:30pm
Where: Aerial UTS Function Centre 
Building 10, Level 7/235 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007 Map
Venue kindly sponsored by University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Program Day 2 Latest program here
- Sister cities
- Education (Teachers/students - click for poster)
- Cultural performances, incl. Hochoshiki by Hideo Dekura (traditional knife ceremony)
- Popular culture: SMASH talk, manga competition, cosplay parade
- Workshops: Taiko, Japanese poetry (haiku), ikebana, kimono
- Using Japanese in my career
- AJS and JAS Societies
Gala Dinner 6pm - 10pm
Where: National Maritime Museum Lighthouse Gallery, Darling Harbour Map
Enjoy a fabulous Gala Dinner on the Darling Harbour waterfront. The price includes 3-course dinner with unlimited wine and beer, plus only-in-Sydney entertainment.
Dinner registrations CLOSED.
Day 1 and Day 2 still open. Sign up and pay online (Paypal/credit card) by clicking here.
Alternatively use the PDF form and send by email. For payment options see the form.
We look forward to seeing you in Sydney in October!

The National Conference is supported by the Australian Government through the Australia-Japan Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Supported by:
- Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sydney Inc.
- Japan Local Government Centre (CLAIR Sydney)
- Japan Foundation, Sydney
1日目テーマ:豪日間ビジネス – 新たな局面に向けて
場所: ティーチャーズ・フェデレーション・カンファレンス・センター
37 Reservoir Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 地図
- 豪日関係最新動向
- イノベーション
- ビジネス・サクセスストリー
- スポーツ
- 観光
2日目テーマ:コミュニティーと文化 – 相互理解の深化に向けて
Building 10, Level 7/235 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007 地図
- 姉妹都市関係
- 教育
- 日本料理包丁式等の文化パフォーマンス
- ワークショップ:アニメ、太鼓、日本詩歌、生け花、書道、着物
- 日本語を使用する職業
- 豪日協会(AJS)と日豪協会(JAS)
ガラディナー 午後6時~10時
場所:オーストラリア国立海洋博物館・ライトハウスギャラリー 地図
- シドニー日本商工会議所
- 国際交流基金(ジャパンファウンデーション)、シドニー
- 一般財団法人自治体国際化協会シドニー事務所